Handbook On Patent Filling

Patent Documents can be filed either through online or at the patent office in respective jurisdiction: Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, and Chennai. Physical Filing [at the counter of a jurisdictional patent office] 1. Covering indicating the list of documents; 2. Application for Grant of Patent in Form 1 in duplicate [section 7, 54 & 135 and Rule 20(1)]; 3. Provisional/Complete specification in Form 2 in duplicate [Section 10; Rule 13]; comprising
  • Description
  • Claims
  • Drawing (if any)
  • Abstract
4. Statement and Undertaking in Form 3 in duplicate [Section 8; Rule 12]; 5. Power of Attorney in Form 26 (in case a patent agent is assigned) (in original)(Rule 3.3 (a)(ii)); 6. Declaration of Inventorship in Form 5 in duplicate (only where applicant and inventor[s] are different);(Rule 4.17); 7. Form 28 (in case the applicant is a small entity) (Rule 2 (fa) & 7); 8. Certified true copy of the Priority document (in case priority is claimed); and 9. Requisite Statutory fees (cheque / DD).